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Държава: Румъния
Проект номер: 4893
Свободни места: Запълнени !
Доброволецът ще помага в популяризиране на доброволчеството и гражданското самозъснание сред младежите чрез неформално обучение.

Начало на проекта: 01.06.2013
Продължителност на проекта: 12 месеца
Kраен срок за кандидатстване: 22-ри януари 2013 г.


As EVS volunteers you will get involved in volunteering activities such as: • discussions with young people in order to identify problems they have in main areas as: job / employment, how volunteering could help them in getting a job, their real participation in public decisions, their multicultural experiences. • Starting from these identified problems the EVS volunteers will initiate and develop volunteering projects and activities such as:  campaign to promote volunteering through non-formal methods,  facilitate dialogue between young people and local community stakeholders (the local decision and policy makers)  meetings to inform young people on how to make an Europass CV, a successful Motivation Letter or how to prepare for a job interview  volunteering in social and educational centers for children and young people with fewer opportunities (social, educational, economical)
To be selected as EVS volunteers in this project you have to:  be willing to make a change in your life and your mentality,  make the effort to adapt and live in a completely new multicultural community,  to finalize your volunteer projects despite the difficulties:  be determined to promote volunteering through your own volunteering activities
Posted by: activeideas
04.01.2013, 09:02
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