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Фондация Екообщност
Вид: Ecology Organization
Фондация „ЕкоОбщност” е българска организация с нестопанска цел регистрирана през ноември 2003 г. „ЕкоОбщност” осъществява обществено-полезна дейност.

„ЕкоОбщност” е партньор на консорциум „Партньорство за околна среда”, в който членуват независими фондации от Полша, Румъния, Словакия, Унгария и Чехия. Мисията на консорциума е да подпомага промяната към устойчиво развитие на местни общности чрез подкрепа за граждански инициативи и диалога между организации, институции и хора, работещи по въпросите на околната среда и устойчиво развитие, както и да и насърчава гражданското участие.
World Carfree Network
Вид: Ecology Organization
World Carfree Network brings together organisations and individuals dedicated to promoting alternatives to car dependence and automobile-based planning at the international level and working to reduce the human impact on the natural environment while improving the quality of life for all.
Вид: Ecology Organization
NaturKultur is an youth association that is founded in North Germany and now exists in Bremen and Wiefelstede - Oldenburg. The name Natur(nature) represents the physical world including all living things as well as the land and the oceans*. Kultur(culture) is the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought**. Therefore, we as organization want to be the synergy between these two terms and harmonize the living welfare on this planet.

The main objectives of the organization are:
- Creating awareness among young people about their role in the society and the need for the youth to act in a positive way(preservation of environment, fighting prejudices and conflict resolution, sustainable development).
- Trainings to young people to change the world providing them different skills (such as Civil courage, Sustainable energy behavior etc)
- Bringing together young people from different cultures and nationalities (countries that have conflicts between like Macedonia and Greece, Bosnia and Serbia, Slovakia and Hungary, Turkey and Greece, Israel and Palestine etc)
- Encouraging the young people to develop their potential and creativity (self employment, social entrepreneurship, handcraft etc).
- Increasing our network of partners and their capacity (providing a platform, connecting organizations and people, trainings for other organizations and sharing know-how)
Вид: Ecology Organization
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