Държава: Белгия
Проект номер: 5145
Проект за пермакултура - екологично земеделие. Начало на проекта: юли или август 2018 Местоположение: Фламандската част, в близост до Гент. Посрещащата организация търси доброволец, който иска да учи чрез правене(learn by doing) Ентусиазъм, мотивация и интерес са много важни ! Продължителност на проекта: 12 месеца Проектът е вече одобрен, така че при кандидатстване по този проект, заминаването е почти 100 процента сигурно.
project description
We are looking for volunteers who want to learn by doing in and around our permaculture project, located in the Flemish ardennes, near Ghent.
possible tasks: overall work in daily life in and around the permaculture garden: weeding, planting, harvesting, (vegetarian)cooking, taking care of animals, building with natural materials, household,... and also support in organising open work days, courses, events, transforming playgrounds and schoolgardens in edible gardens... accommodation, food and transport arrangements
Accomodation will be in the house of Het Voedselbos where lives two adults and one child. The voluneer will have an own room. We have a wired internet connection. We have simple living conditions like f.e. a outdoor compost toilet, wooden and gas heating systems.
We have a natural and vegetarian kitchen and cook together during the weekdays. We will provide a bicycle. training during the project
Hands-on learning about permaculture gardening, cooking and smal-scale building. We work with youthpass. volunteer profile
°personal: responsible, involved, eager to learn, can work independent, decisiveness, reliable, honest, respectful, think in solutions, mature °social: open to learn from each other, open communication with respect, appreciate the opinion of others, sharing, care for each other, open for groups, children and people with special needs °working skills: want to work, also in cold and wet weather, experience in gardening, permaculture, building is welcome, interest in permaculture Enthousiasm,motivation and interest are very important for us, tell us why you choose specifically for our project. how to apply
To apply you send an email with your CV and motivationletter to info@hetvoedselbos.be. Be aware that you already must have a sending organisation when you apply. additional information
There will be an overlap of 6 months with one EVS volunteer that started in september 2017. Posted by: Ivan
23.05.2017, 09:01