Proposed activities: Monday-Friday 07:45 – 08:00 Short meeting with the pedagogical team (plans of the day and tasks for the volunteer) 08:00 – 08:30 Arrival of the children and youngsters (support of the children changing clothes and shoes…) 08:30 – 09:30 Assist the children and youngsters during the lessons for example active cooperation in the music area (support the teacher during the lessons) 09:30 – 09:50 Break – children eat together their snacks, volunteer and teachers offer juice and water 09:50 – 12:00 Assist the children and youngsters during the lessons for example active cooperation in the music area (support the teacher during the lessons) 12:00 – 12:30 Cleaning up the classrooms together with the children and youngsters 12: 30 – 13:00 Evaluation of the day Saturday-Sunday: free
While the time schedule depicted above stays basically the same throughout the week, the tasks our volunteer can perform will vary according to his or her talents and include creative tasks like doing handicraft or playing games with the children, accompany them in music or sports activities, offering them “courses” in the native tongue of the candidate, cooking or other activities according to the talents and interests of our volunteer
Our offers/ Learning oportunities: Working in a team Working together with children and youngsters Get information about different fields like music, roleplays, theatre, nature, Learn more about our pedagocial concept based on Maria Montessori Plan and organize different projects (like workshos, theatre projects,…)
The role of EVS volunteers in our organisation: Our volunteer should learn more about our different fields and about our pedogogical concept. He/ she should learn more about austria and our society (tradtions, customs,…) He/ she should be an active part of our community. The volunteer should support our children and youngsters by their daily work and he/ she also be involved in the tasks of our teachers. (assist them by different instruction units, excurisons, projects,…)
Typical activities of the volunteer: • To talk and support the youngsters • To take care for the youngsters (support them by the daily works like house works, home works,…) • To assist the staff members by their daily works • Being available for questions and problems • Inform the kids and youngsters about the own home country (traditions, costumes, music and culture, …) • Go shopping together with the children and youngsters
Support our pedagogical team like preparing different materials, learning sheets,… Planing and organizing different activities like birthday parties, christmas our easter parties, summerparties – end of the school year, … Accompany our team and our children and youngsters to outdoor excursions or to cultural events like exhibitions, roleplays, concerts,… Our volunteer has also the possibiltiy to create own projects and ideas like music, painting or cooking, workshops, playing theatre,do sports or make/ create exhiptions on special topics together with our children and our youngsters – it depends on the interests of the volunteer.
Our volunteer has also the possibility to inform our children and youngsters about the own home country for example language workshops, telling stories form the homecountry of the volunteers, cooking tradtional meals from the home country together with our children and youngsters. He/ she can also organize a party with typical tradtions and customs from the home country of the volunteer.
Volunteer profile: Our volunteer should be very interested in our padeagogical concept based on Maria Montessori. He/ she should be very interested in working in a team. Our volunteer should be interested in working together with children and youngsters He/ she should be creative (like playing music, sining, painting or playing theatre,…)
The volunteer should be mature and highly motivated. For the communication it´s important that he/ she has at least good English skills. It´s also important that the volunteer is willing to learn German and to visit a German course. The volunteer should be open minded and act independently. Working experience with children and youngsters would be great, but isn’t necessary.
We are open to work with different partners from all Europaen Countries. Interested Volunteers will find the description of our project in the public database. The youth information centre of Lower Austria will support us by doing the paper work.
The selection of the volunteer will be a decision of the whole team. Posted by: activeideas
25.03.2013, 14:04