Държава: Испания
Проект номер: 3826
Свободни места: Запълнени !
Място: Каталония; Заминаване за Испания: април 2021-та година Целта на проекта: Да се насърчи социалната интеграция, равенство и солидарност между младите хора чрез социални дейности, артистични дейности, дейности свързани с опазването на околната среда, организиране на културни и спортни събития. Проекта цели интеграцията да бъде в общността на местно, национално или международно ниво. • Да се насърчи участието на младите хора, насърчаване на толерантността, междукултурното и социална отговорност • Да обучава гражданите да бъдат социално активни и наясно със социалните нужди на другите ; Продължителност на проекта: 7 месеца
От организацията в Каталония ми писаха, че все още не са намерили кандидат за този проект. Спешно търсят доброволец (момиче или момче) от България ! Posted by: Иван
08.02.2021, 18:08
Днес Кристина ми изпрати допълнителна информация за проекта:
Thank you very much for your interest to participate, contribute and cooperate with INTEGRATION FOR ALL. Please read the information below in this guide where you can find useful information about our ESC project in Catalonia, Spain. Please, do not hesitate to contact us for any of your questions!
Grup D'esplai Blanquerna is a reference entity of social action committed to the most vulnerable ones. Its mission is to promote an integrated and inclusive society, from community personalism in the context of Christian humanism, with special emphasis on people and sectors at greatest risk of exclusion. Its objectives are: - Leisure activities for children and young people, with special attention to those who have more social difficulties. - Encourage the world of volunteering among young people and children. - Respond to the educational and practical demands of monitors, directors and students or professionals in the world of social education. - Provide a framework for the knowledge of social reality for young monitors. - Manage assisted flats for children and adults with social integration difficulties. - Participate in the debate on childhood and youth in Terres de L'Ebre. - Help and encourage other entities for similar purposes, from their own experience and from the media. - Encourage and support activities that have to do with children and young people and with the social insertion of children and young people.
The Grup D'esplai Blanquerna is based on the principles that emanate Christian humanism. It is an integral humanism that fully-fledged respects human dignity, and recognizes the right to the integral demands of the person, oriented towards a socio-temporal realization of that evangelical attention to what is human, which not only exists in the spiritual order, but incarnated, approaching the ideal of a fraternal community. Therefore, all social action aspires to a higher common good than a mere collection of individual goods, and common work must, above all, improve human life itself, to let everyone live on Earth as free beings and enjoy the fruits of the Nees and spirit. From these premises we emphasize that we are an organization at the service of people. We serve all people, always taking into account the most vulnerable ones. We contemplate people in all their somatic, psychological, social and spiritual reality. The activities we carry out are related to the following social programs: - Emergency apartment for women victims of domestic and gender violence and their sons and daughters from Terres de L'Ebre. - Socio-educational intervention service of Tortosa (SIS), focused on children, young people and families at risk. We carry out the family’s module and the day service that attends children and young people between 4 and 15 years old. - Cruïlla Joves, is a residential service for young people between 18 and 21 years of age. - Omnia Tortosa management point, which works to break the digital gap that exists in different collectives. - Branch of the Cruïlla unit aims to connect people in the 3rd penitentiary with their own environment in order to promote a successful socio-occupational insertion. - Oficina Jove del Baix Ebre, whose objective is to facilitate the development of the life project of young people, attending to the diversity of forms and models of life, and improving the process of youth emancipation. Aimed at the youth of the Baix Ebre region between 15 and 30 years of age. - Espai Jove which aims to provide a meeting place for young people in the municipality, providing tools to develop their skills and enhance their participation. - The volunteer office in Tortosa advises, guides, informs and provides support to entities, volunteers and citizens in general, promoting participation. - Singular programme, Vamos por Trabajo, whose aim is to reinforce the employability and professional skills of young people who are not employed. In addition, our organization develops solidarity projects at the local level: Leisure education covers different activities (camps, colonies, Rilleure) to provide equal opportunities for children and young people in the field of non-formal education. - We coordinate the invulnerable program in the city, which is an initiative against child poverty and is promoted by different institutions and entities, the Generalitat de Catalunya, the social work la Caixa, the FC Barcelona Foundation and the Tortosa City Council. - PEE-Programme 6/16, whose aim is to articulate an integrated socio-educational action between the administration, the associative world and the other socio-educational agents of the municipality in order to generate a work dynamic.
The volunteer will work in two points of the organization. Specifically, the/she will support the different services developed in the city in collaboration and cooperation with other local organizations. At Punto Omnia, s/he will provide accompaniment and educational support for children and young people (workshops, theatre, music, school support, languages, trips) as well as in actions for young migrants without family reference in relation to the issue of knowledge and adaptation to the environment. On the other hand, together with other professionals from the centre, volunteer will organise activities based on digital skills for people in the process of seeking employment and developing digital competence for people who require it: elderly people, people at risk of exclusion.
At the headquarters of the Blanquera the volunteer will offer support to the structure of the organization, specifically he/she will offer support in the managing of the social networks of the organization (p. Web, facebook, twitter, instagram, media.), support in the promotion of volunteering at local level and volunteering for coexistence (young people in judicial measures) in the different programmes and projects. Other organizations will be involved in activities and community projects. The young volunteer will also offer his support to the "Youth Crossing" program, where s/he will provide support in the process of emancipation and socio-occupational integration of no more mentored youth, and also in programmes of free time and educational leisure activities with children in vulnerable situation and their families.
CES project as complementary activity: all the volunteers hosted during this period will create a performance about CES in order to promote CES values of volunteering in schools, youth organisations, etc. The volunteer needs to work on it with the other volunteers all together. There will be a day per week or every two weeks to prepare it. We will schedule it on arrival. It’s important that the volunteer shows interest and have ideas about it.
Posted by: Иван
30.12.2020, 17:49
Днес Кристина от посрещащата организация в Испания ми писа, че вече приемат документи на доброволци, които искат да участват в техния проект. Ние сме партньор по този проект, тоест задължително поне един от деветте доброволците ще е от България. Така че заминаването е почти 100% сигурно ! Posted by: Иван
29.12.2020, 15:58
Вчера от посрещачката организация в Испания ми писаха, че проекта е вече одобрен и финансиран. Така че скоро ще започнат да приемат кандидатури на доброволци.
Радваме се, че и тази година Испанската организация отново ни покани да бъдем неин партньор по проекта, който организират всяка година.
В проекта ще участват 9 доброволеца от различни Европейски държави. Толкова много млади хора на едно място - няма как да не е едно незабравимо за цял живот изживяване. Доброволците ще работят в различни организации по различни проекти: http://activeideas.org/ActiveIdeas/bg/Project.aspx?O_ID=4499 http://activeideas.org/ActiveIdeas/bg/Project.aspx?O_ID=4801 http://activeideas.org/ActiveIdeas/bg/Project.aspx?O_ID=3826 Но ще живеят заедно и постоянно ще се срещат и организират дейности заедно.Posted by: Иван
25.11.2020, 14:38
Вчера от посрещачката организация в Испания ми писаха, че проекта е вече одобрен и финансиран. Така че скоро ще започнат да приемат кандидатури на доброволци.
Радваме се, че и тази година Испанската екологична организация отново ни покани да бъдем неин партньор по проекта, който организират всяка година.Posted by: Иван
28.11.2020, 14:31
Изискванията към доброволеца:
• да е някой с търпение и много силно чувство за солидарност • да е гъвкав • да има добри ценности, да не е повърхностен или да е типичен материалист • да е спокоен и приятелски настроен и с добро чувство за хумор • да е Open minded и не толкова строг към себе си • да обича здравословен начин на живот • да има опит със социални дейности (работа бездомни, рискови групи или младежи застрашени от изключване, и т.н. ) • да има основни познания на испански език и да има желание да научи каталонски.Posted by: Ivan
15.09.2016, 17:32
Хората от организацията в Каталония са много активни. Постоянно предлагат нови и нови проекти за доброволци по европейска доброволческа служба. Работим с нея от 2011-та година. Сега те пак търсят доброволец. Ако някой се интересува моля да ни пишеш на email или facebook (Може да ги видиш в бутон "За връзка").Posted by: Ivan
14.09.2016, 17:06
Posted by: Стефан Сьлев
22.11.2011, 09:51
Posted by: Лиляна Андреева
22.11.2011, 09:22
Posted by: Az sam Miroslav i iskam da u4astvam v tozi proekt!
10.11.2011, 22:29