# Start: 07/05/2012
Free EVS placement/February deadline/Romania
2 hosting project as follows:
1. VoluntArt TV – a 8 months stage in Romania on the theme of Art and Culture and Media and communication / Youth information between 07.05.2012 – 07.01.2013. 5 hosting places. Our project is looking to get the 5 volunteers involved in all the project’s activities, such as developing their media skills by making reports and mini-documentaries about the local community, learning about filming and editing techniques using specialized softwares, learning to create an online television channel for the local community of Campina and not only and also learn SEO (search engine optimization ) techniques, a process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page. 2. “Youngsters for Arts” a 3 months short term EVS project on the theme of Art and Culture and Media and communication / Youth information. The project will last between 01.06-31.09.2012 in Campina. During the EVS stage the volunteers will get involved in activities within the Cultural Center for Youth Zamolxes such as workshops (dance, music, theater, creation) and other local cultural events (intercultural evenings, karaoke, film club, music concerts, street art). Special interest will be shown for the preparation of a main event in August – The Youth Festival.
If you have any candidate interested in taking part in this project, please inform us.
If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Posted by: Ivan
23.01.2012, 21:16