100 YEARS OF BIRD RINGING IN HUNGARY SZABOLCS MOSONYI Hungary/2009/26min./DVD Category: Scientific and Educational films Script: Erika Bagladi Director: Szabolcs Mosonyi Camera: Szabolcs Mosonyi Music: Pierre Langer Producer: Szabolcs Mosonyi Distributor: Szabolcs Mosonyi
Bird migration, one of the most spectacular natural phenomena, has always intrigued people. During human history, several accurate observations and – often mistaken –observations and – often mistaken – conclusions have been written down about the migration of birds. Some believed that cuckoos transformed into sparrow-hawks and redstarts turned into robins in the autumn. Others reasoned that birds spent the winter on the Moon. Where do migratory birds disappear in the autumn so that they can reappear in the spring just as fast as they have left?
1253 FOR A DAY VREME STUDIO BULGARIA/1979/10min./Betacam SP Pal Category: Documentaries Script: Pantcho Tsankov Director: Pantcho Tsankov Camera: Andrei Chertov Music: Yulia Gurkovska Producer: Vreme Studio Distributor: Bulgaria Film
Six veteran mountaineers in a touching manner clean the lakes of the Rila mountain from the polution caused by the Sunday tourists. Those old devotees of the nature are moving with their sincere love to the mountain lakes Awards: Special prize of the Bulgarian Cinema Union; 1st Prize in Ostrava Film Festival; Bronze Triglav from MKF Kran, Slovenia; Special prize of the European Council in Avignon Festival; Special prize in the Beijing Festival.
THE ACORES ARTE Germany/2008/43min./DVD Category: Documentaries/Scientific and Educational films Script: Florian Guthknecht Director: Florian Guthknecht Camera: Richard Ladkani, Sigi Braun Music: Sebastian Pobot Producer: Udo Zimmermann Distributor: Telepool
Millions of years ago, nine islands rose up out of the seething depths of the earth. In spite of their lethal powers, they’ve become an oasis of life. As if by magic, animals from all parts of the earth are drawn to this region, and in the depths of the ocean remarkable creatures can be found. How they find their way here, when they appear and why they continue visiting this unique ecosystem – these are the mysteries posed by the Acores.
Is there a way that allows everyone to benefit from our planet’s riches without compromising our recourses for future generation? The answer has been given by men and women from all four corners of the earth who have succesded in creating new models for economical development. They have gone new ways to achieve sustainable and lasting growth for mankind and our planet. They are farmers, chemists, architects, doctors, tradesmen and bankers. These Architects f Change, are looking for and practicing innovative solutions, which counteract the many threats to our future. Far from being political or economical militants, these Architects of Change are, above all, entrepreneurs. Our documentary series will be visiting this new kind of pioneers. They belive in a capitalism that can create social, economic and environmental wealth. They are not the only ones who promote such ideas, but they are the only ones who can prove that their ideas work out in day-to-day life. This is an international documentary series for 30 Architects of Change, 26 different countries, six continents, 10 different themes. Each episode investigates one theme, 3 protagonists, 3 different countries.
THE ARCTIC CIRCLE: OMEN FROM THE NORTH NHK/JAPAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION Japan/2008/49min./Betacam SP Pal Category: TV programmes Script: Atsushi Nishida Director: Atsushi Nishida Camera: Masaki Watanabe/ Daisuke Soma Music: Takeshi Kobayashi Producer: Toshihiro Matsumoto Distributor: MICO/Media International Corporation
The Arctic is changing drastically as a result of global warming. The area of ice on the Arctic Ocean is the smallest it has been since measurement began, and the polar bears are threatened with extinction. The state of the Arctic is an omen of our own future. This documentary depicts some of the scientific research being conducted and describes the great changes that are now taking place in the far north.
A BOILING SEA ISPRA Italy/2008/35min./DVD Category: Documentaries Script: Sergio Silenzi Director: Marco Pisapia Music: Francesco Felli
During the last 100 years the overall temperature of the Earth has increased by 0.7°C. For the next 100 years, according to the various scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions, IPCC predicts an increase in temperature between 1.1°C and more than 6°C.This is a journey around the continents to understand the mechanisms of climate change, future scenarios and possible solutions.
A STATION IN THE BASEMENT BULGARIAN NATIONAL TELEVISION, RTVC Bulgaria/2009/30min./DVD Category: TV programmes Script: Tzvetan Simeonov Director: Tzvetan Simeonov Camera: Violin Paleykov Producer: Bulgarian National Television, RTVC Plovdiv Distributor: Bulgarian National Television, RTVC Plovdiv
There is an absurd exchange, which happened in Veliko Tarnovo. The town council gave 53 decares of forests in exchange for a basement of 100 sq.m. The new owner – an automechanic from Debelec, intends to cut down(s) trees and (to) build up houses. (The) ecologists warn that this will ruin the flora and fauna, (will) provoke landslide and change the climate. Awards: European Commission Competition Robert Shuman 2007, Ethno Festival Plovdiv 2007, Euroekofest’08, Koprivstitsa, Bulgaria.
ADRIATIC TSUNAMI CROATIAN TELEVISION Croatia/2008/30min./Betacam SP Pal Category: Documentaries Script: Tanja Kanceljak Director: Tanja Kanceljak Camera: Ivan Metes Music: Oleg Colnago, Drazen Scholz Producer: Croatian television Distributor: Croatian television
30 years ago, Vela Luka (has) been affected by large natural catastrophes. Bore in the early dawn flood coastal part of Vela Luka caused huge damage to a small city on the Island of Korcula, and long after that (the) scientists did not even know what actually had happened. Today, we know that the Vela Luka was hit by the meteotsunami – a bore of (the) mutual influence of the atmosphere and the sea. And many thought that the cause of Tsunami earthquake in the Aegean Sea, and a full moon, which is light before this day. This phenomenon was not only noticed in some other places on the Adriatic Sea, but also worldwide. Most cases the one last year when he hit meteotsunami island Ist and one of this summer, when the flood of a house. Citizens of Vela Luka still feel(s) the consequences of the tidal wave and speak emotionally and some of which are affected by this most difficult catastrofy - Adriatic tsunami, can be heard in this documentary by Tanja Kanceljak. Famous scientist from Spain and Italy and in the world participate in the documentary film along with witnesses. In the film, first documentary photos of Vela Luka’s disaster are shown.
ALASKA - WILDERNESS OF FIRE AND ICE ZDF Germany/2008/45min./DVD Category: TV programmes dedicated to ecology and environmental preservation Script: Sabine Armsen Director: Sabine Armsen Camera: Russel Weston, Craig Baumann Music: PS Movie Sound Producer: Thomas Hamm Distributor: ZDF
Fascination Earth Alaska – Wilderness of fire and ice Synopsis Our planet is unique and the diversity of its habitats is dazzling. The series “Fascination Earth” makes this opulence tangible, with each episode focusing on a different region. In this episode presenter Dirk Steffens takes the viewer into Alaska’s untamed wilderness. In the long and cold winter months Alaska is in the firm grip of ice and snow. But come spring, nature springs to life and presents itself in all its exuberance and plenty. This vast region along the edge of the Arctic Circle is at the mercy of nature’s most violent forces. To survive under these extreme conditions, the rich fauna has developed sophisticated adaptations. And while Alaska still is one of the most remote regions on this planet, it was here that humans set first foot on a new continent. This was the beginning of an epic tale that became the colonization of the Americas. Today these Polar regions are changing faster than ever before. Scientists from all over the world are investigating the mysteries of Alaska’s melting glaciers. Multinational companies, on the other hand, are assessing the potentials of an ice-free Northwest Passage. In this documentary Dirk Steffens unveils some fascinating tales about this land. His stories are spiced with the latest science on wandering herds and fearsome predators as well as cataclysmic geological events that moulded the face of Alaska. Steffens also meets some of Alaska’s indigenous peoples and learns about the great challenges they will face in this majestic wilderness.
ALONG UPPER MARITZA BULGARIAN NATIONAL TELEVISION Bulgaria/2008/27min./DVD Category: Scientific and Educational films Script: Nana Krasteva Director: Dobrin Keresteliev Camera: Kamen Kolev Producer: Bulgarian National Television Distributor: Bulgarian National Television The film tells about the Maritsa River (Greek, Evros) and the fascinating animal species and plants, living along its upper river valley. The river was formed millions of years ago by the glaciers of the Rila Mountain. Rila rises up in the very centre of the Balkan Peninsula, boasting a crown of more than 100 peaks, the highest of which, Musala is 2925 meters high – a genuine record not only for the peninsula, but also for the meridian that symbolically crosses the mountain. Maritsa inspires with her 524 kilometres of length, two thirds of which in the territory of Bulgaria, until it flows into the Aegean Sea. It is the most important bio-corridor of the Balkans. The upper part of the river crosses the central and high regions of the Rila Mountain, which constitute a national park – a huge mountain park with natural habitats of Bulgarian and European importance.
ASINA Spain/2009/27min./DVD Category: Documentaries Script: Daniel Lagares Ramirez Director: Daniel Lagares Ramirez
Gotas arrived on the island of Fuerteventura, from the continet of Africa, along the first setters, around the year 500 b.c. A large number of them lived in a state of semifreedom, like a livinglarder. In the first century a.c., the Roman historian Plinius, amazed by the large number of goats that there were, named the island Capraria. Until the middle of 20th century, the capital of the island was called Puerto Cabras (Goat Port).
ATLAS - ONE MAN, ONE CAMERA - THE NAZCA PLATEAU BULGARIAN NATIONAL TELEVISION Bulgaria/2009/27min./DVD Category: Tourist films about the protection of Cultural heritage Script: Simeon Idakiev Director: Simeon Idakiev Camera: Simeon Idakiev Music: Diana Tekelieva Producer: Bulgarian National Television Distributor: Bulgarian National Television
The documentary “The Nazca Plateau” is an attempt at revealing the secret of the pictures and geometric figures of the Nazca Plateau in Peru, which can be seen only from bird’s-eye view, as well as a story about Maria Reiche’s work – a remarkable woman, who dedicated 40 years of her life to study them.
BAIKAL, FESTIVAL MTV HUNGARIAN TELEVISION Hungary/2008/26min./Betacam SP Pal Category: Documentaries Script: Jozsef Safrany Director: Jozsef Safrany Camera: Jozsef Safrany Producer: Jozsef Safrany We know little of the Russians, of their land; therefore it is always a major experience to meet them. Our experiences are mostly from Soviet times and the concepts of the Hungarian audiences are adjusted to them. The fact that Russia and Siberia are lovely lands with wonderful natural beauty is missing in our knowledge. It is absolutely new that there is great interest in the protection of nature in Russia, for our earlier knowledge was based on facts of violating nature, turning rivers back, and immeasurable industrial pollution. The Film Festival of Irkutsk was an eminent opportunity to enlarge our knowledge, to get acquainted with a lovely landscape, the Baikal, to survey the world view of the Russian nature film-makers, their anxiety about the environment, and to put questions about Russian things we do not understand. All this done in the spirit of friendship which cannot be forced, it either emerges or it does not.
BIRD WITHOUT BORDERS - BLACK-FACED SPOONBILLS PUBLIC TELEVISION SERVICE FOUNDATION Taiwan/2009/52min./DVD Category: Documentaries Script: Dean Johnson Director: Dean Johnson Camera: Chieh-te Liang / Dean Johnson Music: John Lin Producer: Selena Tsao Distributor: Public Television Service Foundation
Found nowhere else but on wetlands in Asia, Black-Faced Spoonbill is the only spoonbill currently endangered. Its migration is captured for the first time on HD, and we reveal dedicated individuals divided by borders, but share one common goal – conservation and protection of this endangered species and their remaining habitats.
BTV REPORTERS - THE RILA FIRE BTV Bulgaria/2008/15min./DVD Category: Documentaries/TV programmes Script: Konstantin Karadjov Director: Adriana Alexieva Camera: Blagoy Momchilov Music: Olivier Derivière (France) Producer: Gena Traykova Distributor: bTV
The biggest forest fire in recent years spread fast through precious woodland landscapes of Rila Mountain last September, revealing not only how badly unequipped Bulgarian firefighters are or how endangered natural forest life was, but inflaming suspicions of shady ski-property investment plans, endorsed by top government officials.
BULGARIAN FOREST – PRESENT AND OBSCURE FUTURE GREEN BALKANS Bulgaria/2007/54min./DVD Category: Documentaries Script: Valentina Fidanova, Konstantin Dichev Director: Valentina Fidanova Camera: Konstantin Dichev, Borislav Georgiev, George Stoyanov Music: Stoyl Kerevanov Producer: Green Balkans Distributor: Green Balkans
This movie represents only 8 of more than 300 cases investigated by Green Balkans. They generalize and illustrate the most typical illegal practices for devastation of the Bulgarian forests during the last 15 years.
CARSTENSZ - THE SEVENTH SUMMIT K2 STUDIO Slovakia/2009/44min./DVD Category: Documentaries Script: Pavol Barabas Director: Pavol Barabas Camera: Vlado Zboja, Pavol Barabas Music: Michal Novinski Producer: K2 studio Distributor: K2 studio
Snowy Mountains rise high above the untouched jungle of New Guinea, breaking through heavy rain clouds. A limestone pyramid, known as the Carstensz Pyramid, soars above them as the most exotic, but also the most inaccessible mountain in the world. The peak of this mountain was conquered for the first time, by Heinrich Harrer, in 1962. Access to the foothills of this mountain lead through the territory of the legendary Damal native tribes and still belongs amongst the most adventurous expeditions. Apart from obtaining the necessary permits, the biggest problem lies is in persuading the naked natives to help us with the transport of equipment from Beoga, across wild rivers and mountainous jungle, up to the snowy glaciers below the Carstensz Pyramid. Awards: Grand Prix - Spotkania z filmem gorskim, Zakopane, Poland, 2008, Public Choice - MFHF, Poprad, Slovak Republic, 2008, Jury’s prize - Welzlovo filmobile, Zabrez, Czech Republic, 2009, 1st Prize - Go Kamera, Brno, Czech Republic, 2009
CHINA IN A TORRENT: THE ENVIRONMENTAL DILEMMA NHK/JAPAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION Japan/2008/49min./Betacam SP Pal Category: Documentaries Script: Toshifumi Kataoka Director: Toshifumi Kataoka Camera: Yoshio Kamiizumi Music: Takehiko Gokita Producer: Hideo Kado Distributor: MICO/Media International Corporation
Environmental pollution is one of China’s most difficult policy issues. Countermeasures vary greatly among the regions. In coastal cities, pursuant to a national directive, polluting companies have been exposed one after another and sanctions have been applied, even to the point of shutting the companies down. In Hangzhou, authorities carry out 24-hour monitoring, thanks to a video surveillance system installed in more than 300 major companies. Infractions can trigger intervention by a Pollution Task Force. In China’s interior, however, many local governments are freely dynamiting mountains and damming rivers so as to build hydroelectric plants that will help fulfill supreme directives to establish prosperity. How can China reconcile such conflicting imperatives and achieve a harmonious society?
CITY FLOWERS CANADA/2007/29min./DVD Category: Documentaries/Tourist films about the protection of Cultural heritage Script: Stephanie Pihery Director: Stephanie Pihery Camera: Stephanie Pihery Producer: Stephanie Pihery Distributor: Stephanie Pihery
Every year, some “colored” irreductibles animate the Lower east side in New York to bring to light the saving of the community gardens of New York, the last haven of peace, greenery, community and cultural exchange.
CLEANSING BULGARIAN NATIONAL TELEVISION Bulgaria/2008/27min./DVD Category: Documentaries Script: Grigory Nedyalkov Director: Milan Kuzov Camera: Anton Evlogiev Presenter: Grigory Nedyalkov Editor: Vladimir Anastasov Producer: Bulgarian National Television Distributor: Bulgarian National Television
This is a documentary dealing with ecological topics and more specifically with the struggle with climate change. It focuses on the purification and reduction of harmful emissions in the United Kingdom. The documentary features interviews with authors of projects related to reduction of emissions, with scientists, university professors, politicians and ordinary people, who discuss and share view points of the latest UK developments in coping with climate change. It shows examples of the implementation of green ideas and of successful good practices, such as wind generators, wind turbines, eco-friendly wood houses, seawave generators, and so on.
CLOUDS’ CATCHERS BULGARIAN NATIONAL TELEVISION, RTVC Bulgaria/2009/30min./DVD Category: Documentaries Script: Tzvetan Simeonov Director: Tzvetan Simeonov Camera: Violin Paleykov, Nikolay Sotirov, Anton Marchev Producer: Bulgarian National Television, RTVC Plovdiv Distributor: Bulgarian National Television, RTVC Plovdiv
Two men influence the sun and clouds in a very strange way. In fact they shape the climate changes depending on their moods. Orthodox and Muslim do the same. While the whole village lives with the idea of a dragon who defines determines an alternative synoptic reality. Awards: European Commission Competition Robert Shuman 2007, Ethno Festival Plovdiv 2007, Euroekofest’08, Koprivstitsa, Bulgaria
THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE PAST... PUBLIC NATIONAL INSTITUTION OF BROADCASTING COMPANY/TELERADIO-MOLDOVA Republic of Moldova/2008/32min./Mini DV Category: TV programmes Script: Lucia Taut Director: Carolina Bobeico Camera: Vadim Voleanski Music: Maria Triboi Producer: Lucia Taut Distributor: Channel TV Moldova 1
To demonstrate the importance, necessity and contribution to the prosperity of Soviet agriculture, the big chemical corporations have chosen as experimental polygon Moldovan soil which without pesticides and chemical fertilizers fructified on average 6 times more than in other European regions of Soviet Union. Thus, under the pretext of a modern agriculture Moldova was drowned by chemicals and fertilizers which more than a quarter of a century have destroyed the whole ecosystem of Moldova. Nowadays there are more than 1600 tons of unusable prohibited pesticides affecting both soil and water. These chemicals have been used heavily in agriculture. When the land became the property of peasants, the deposits where the pesticides were stored have become value share of the owners and were demolished. The Doors, windows and bricks were distributed to the villagers. That is, the pesticides and the chemicals were left out, being a danger for the surface and ground waters. As a result, nowadays a lot of localities are confronted with serious problems of potable water. The Villages Tomesti from Glodeni district, Iargara from Leova district and Lunga from Floresti district, which are presented in the documentary The Consequences of the past… are real examples.
THE CONTACT RTV/RADIO TELEVISION OF VOJVODINA Serbia/2008/26min./DVD Category: Documentaries Script: Vladimir Perovic Director: Vladimir Perovic Camera: Igor Petricevic Producer: Svetelana Paroski
Every summer the heroes of the film Mira and her son Jovan leave their urban place Belgrade and go to a remote mountain. Over there they spend three months in a lonely house, with no inhabited village at sight, with no electricity, TV, internet etc… Far from so called civilization, they experience what the life is like when you live a natural way. They prepare food from what they find in the nature, they drink water from clear springs, they walk on bare foot, they swim in a fresh mountain river, etc… Mira wrote “The Cook-book of edible indigenous vegetables”. With serenity of the people sincerely devoted to something, with deep persuasion, she explains her philosophy of the nature and of mankind’s place in it…
CONCRETE BULGARIA/2009/28min./MINI DV Category: Documentaries Director: Nikolay Vassilev Camera Borislav Georgiev
Concrete is the sadly story of a bagpipe... about the fire... the rubish... and the power. Forest of embers, mountain of tins and people who possess the willingness to fight up against the drub mind.
CORK - FOREST IN A BOTTLE BBC NATURAL HISTORY UNIT/MIKE SALISBURY PRODUCTIONS UK/2008/50min./DVD Category: TV programmes dedicated to ecology and environmental preservation Script: Mike Salisbury Director: Mike Salisbury, Paul Morrison Camera: Graham Horder, Hugh Maynard Music: Ben Salisbury Producer: Mike Salisbury, Paul Morrison Distributor: BBC Worldwide Every time we weigh up which bottle of wine to buy, we hold the fate of nightingales, rare black storks, secretive wild cats and one of the world’s most remarkable trees in our hands. It’s all to do with the stopper. If it’s cork, it probably came from the bark of one of the ancient cork oak trees from the Montados, in the Alentejo region of Portugal. The cork oak is the only tree in the world whose bark can be periodically removed without killing it. But this tree is amazing in other ways. It survives in poor soil and searing heat and provides not only nesting places for Booted Eagles but also space for some of Europe’s rarest wildflowers. This exquisitely-filmed portrait of the Montados reveals one of the last places in Europe where a sustainable local economy still dovetails harmoniously with nature. Cork producer and wildlife enthusiast, Francisco Garrett explains what will be lost if cork stoppers are replaced by plastic or screwtops. Prizes: Merit Award for Conservation message
CRANE MIGRATION OF THE HORTOBAGY A CAMERA IN THE BACKPACK PRODUCTION Hungary/2007/53min./Betacam SP Pal Category: Documentaries Script: Zsolt Cseke Director: Zsolt Cseke Camera: Zsolt Cseke, Attila Linzenbold, Peter Kery Musics: 7 steps Producer: Zsolt Cseke Distributor: A camera in the backpack production
One of the greatest treasures of the Hortobagy’s special fauna is beyond doubt the water avifauna, which is admired and surveyed by ornithologists from all over the whole world. It is mainly at the time of the birds’ migration in spring and autumn that the wetlands of the park spring into commotion, wild geese and mallards arrive in their thousands, but the greatest spectacle is to be provided by to the first crane flocks appearing on the horizon with flutelike calls. As they draw closer, the news spreads over the plain like wildfire: The event attracting the largest amount of animals in Hortobagy, the autumn migration of the cranes, has begun. Awards: Special Enviromental Award
DANDELION, WATER - THIRSTY IN BAERSTADT ZDF Germany/2008/24min./DVD Category: Scientific and Educational films Script: Andreas Steinhoefel Director: Klaus Gietinger Camera: Martin Meyer Music: Hosenfeld/Denis Producer: Studio TV for ZDF Distributor: ZDF Enterprises
What a heat! The entire town of Baerstadt suffers from thirst. Only Fritz’ neighbour Paschulke does not have a water shortage. He is bathing in a sparkling source. But in Fritz’ garden the flowers go limp. He does not have any water left: His little well has dried up and the water tep is empty. Not even Yasemin has left any water in her kiosk. Fritz wants to intervene, but in the waterworks of Baerstadt there is no machine running. How can Baerstadt get water again? Is the town going to be a desert soon? How do human beings, animals and plants handle a long time without water? Following the example set by nature Fritz develops an ingenious idea how to get water.
THE DEAD AND THE LIVING ONES BELSATTV/LARYSSA KABERNIK Belarus/2008/33min./ Mini DV Category: Documentaries Script: Laryssa Kabernik Director: Laryssa Kabernik, Pavel Bandzich Camera: Laryssa Kabernik Producer: BelsatTV/Laryssa Kabernik Distributor: Laryssa Kabernik
After the flood, God tells to Noah and his sons that now every flash is their food. Everything was easy from the very beginning: animals lived side by side with the men, they gave food, protected, they were friends or otherwice they filled with consternation... Being more complicated and improved, our civilization produces new possibilities and new problems of coexistence. But until today, there is no excuse of human’s cruelty against animal, regardless of whether it is wild, domestic or laboratory. Awards: XIII International Environmental Film Festival Green Vision 2008, Prize for the Courage in making an Enironmental film.
DECIDING TOGETHER REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER Bulgaria/2009/2min./DVD Category: Video spots Script: Hristina Petrova, Ivan Kojuharov Director: Hristina Petrova Producer: Regional Environmental Center
DJEMO, GOAT AND BRUCELLOSIS BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA/2009/19MIN./DVD Category: Documentaries/Scientific and educational films Script: Nisvet Hrustic/screenplay associate: Sead Hrustic Director: Nisvet Hrustic Camera: Nisvet Hrustic/second cameramen: Teo Agačevic Music: Amer Sehic Producer: Nisvet Hrustic Distributor: Nisvet Hrustic
Brucellosis is a very dangerous disease that affects sheep, goats and other animals. It, also, gets transferred to people and it is very hard to treat. About 500.000 people get affected every year, worldwide. Until year 2004. in Bosnia and Herzegovina, brucellosis was not significantly present. But, with the uncontrolled import of live stock that started this year, brucellosis became highly increased dicease in this country. In 2007 alone, 500 people got affected. In first half of 2008, 12,500 sheep and goats were euthanised slaughtered, when brucellosis got in epidemic proportions.
DRAGONFLIES OF A BACKWOODS STREAM FINLAND/2009/16min./DVD Category: Documentaries Script: Miikka Friman Director: Miikka Friman Camera: Miikka Friman Music: Miikka Friman Producer: Miikka Friman Distributor: Miikka Friman
A nature film about damselflies and dragonflies near a small forest stream in South-Eastern Finland. The surrounding of the forest stream hide an entire world into with the variation of dragonfly species from lush settings to rugged rapids. The film has been shot between 2004 and 2008 and it was completed in 2009.
DRIVEN BY WIND JANNA DEKKER The Netherlands/2005/13min./DVD Category: Documentaries Script: Janna Dekker Director: Janna Dekker Camera: Janna Dekker Producer: Janna Dekker Distributor: Janna Dekker
Miller Henk Borst lived and worked for more than 50 years on the watermill \’Woudaap\’built in 1651. Henk was 72 years old but refused to retire from his job as a miller. He died unexpectedly because of a heartattack. He was one of the last fulltime millers. Nowadays the waterlevel in the Netherlands is regulated by computers. Awards: Silver Ebenseer Bear and Special Juryprice in Austria Award for best Cinematography in a Documentary in Seattle, USA, Special Jury price in St. Petersburg, Russia
EARTH HOUR MAD TV Bulgaria/2009/30sec./DVD Category: Video spots Script: MAD TV Director: Stoyan Stoyanov Producer: MAD TV Distributor: MAD TV
MAD TV made a special campaign to support WWF in their “Earth Day”. A special clock on the web site countdowned the hours to Saturday, 28th of March, when from 20:30 to 21:30 the air of MAD TV was switched on an energy saving regime, which encouraged people to turn off the lights at least for one hour. For this purpose a special 30” trailer was made by the production team of MAD TV in support of the great cause. Started out as a campaign encouraging the citizens of Sidney to turn off the lights, “Earth Hour” has now become one of the most serious and important initiations against the climate changes. “Earth Hour” started in 2007 in Sidney, Australia where 2,2 households shut the lights for one hour. A year later the event went on to became a global phenomenon with more than 100 million followers in more than 35 countries. Award: Special Diploma from WWF for Best Partnership for the Earth Hour Campaign
ECO-CRIMES: FISHING PIRATES WESTDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK, ARTE Germany/2008/52min./Betacam SP Pal Category: Documentaries/TV programmes Script: Heinz Greuling, Thomas Weidenbach Director: Heinz Greuling, Thomas Weidenbach Camera: Steffen Bohn Music: Oliver Keidel Producer: Thomas Weidenbach, LAENGENGRAD Film Production Distributor: United Docs, Cologne, Germany
This film tells the story of an unknown war. It’s being waged in the Southern Ocean, in the fish-rich waters around the Antarctic. Its victims are fish, the Patagonian toothfish, to be precise. It’s sold under various names and is highly prized particularly in the USA, Japan and China for its firm, white flesh that has very few bones - white gold to fishermen, because it fetches a thousand US dollars a fish and more. This lucrative business has attracted illegal fishermen who abide by no fishing quotas or laws. These pirates and the men behind them become millionaires on the rich pickings. Their unscrupulous fishing methods threaten not only the livelihoods of legal fishermen but the integrity of the entire marine eco-system. The starting point of the film is the powerlessness of the AFMA, the Australian Fisheries Manage-ment Authority. For years its officers have had to watch while the rich fishing grounds around the Heard and McDonald Islands have been plundered by fishing pirates. They operate large factory ships that stay at sea for months on end and respect no laws or regulations. Using longlines kilome-tres in length equipped with thousands of hooks, they haul the fish out from depths of up to 4,000 metres. They also bring death to countless sea lions and albatrosses. Again and again, the rough seas help the fishing pirates to escape the fisheries inspectors, who lack the necessary equipment for the chase – into waters made treacherous by ice floes, for example. Above all, though, the in-spectors are unarmed so the pirates have nothing to fear. But a courageous fisheries inspector and a dedicated adviser from the Australian Attorney General’s Office are not prepared to accept the situation. They mobilise the government and the armed forces and set a trap for the pirates. The film relates the genuine case of two pirates ships, the Volga and the Lena - just two ships from a whole pirate fleet in the Southern Ocean. After a hair-raising chase they are boarded with the help of the Australian navy. A special unit – armed to the teeth – abseils onto the ships from a naval helicopter and arrests the illegal fishermen. The investigations uncover an international cartel that stretches from Spain to Russia and on to Indonesia. T