Games for Nature
Вид: Books
Booklet 'Games for Nature' gathers together the games that were presented during the youth exchange 'Learning from each other' in Poland in September 2010, as well as some more sent in by member organisations. It is a toolkit where people can find inspiration for their work with children in nature. English version: http://yeenet.eu/images/stories/pdf_books/GAMES_FOR_NATURE.pdf Russian version: http://yeenet.eu/images/stories/Games4Nature_RUS_e-book.pdf
101 Идеи за опазване на околната среда
Вид: Books
Книга на корпуса на мира Ние я имаме сканирана
Green Grants Guidebook
Вид: Books
The information booklet about funding possibilities prepared by YEE. YEE secretariat wants to provide you with a guide about donors and funding organisations to show you which kind of grants are available and can suit to your future projects. http://yeenet.eu/images/stories/Grants_guidebook.pdf
Conflict Management & Conflict Transformation Handbook
Вид: Books
This handbook was produced as a follow up of a training course of Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution, which took place in April 2010 in the Czech Republic. The aim of the project was to raise the potential of youth workers and give them tools to deal with various coflict situations in their everyday life and work. In the handbook you can find information about mapping ourselves in conflict, analysing and dynamics of conflict, how we behave in conflicts, communication, culture and intercultural learning, practice of conflict transformation etc. We hope the publication wil be useful not only for the participants of the training course, but also for other people involved in youth work and wide public.
Guidebook for Greener Festivals
Вид: Books
Průvodce pro zelenější festivaly (Guidebook for Greener Festivals) he Guidebook for Greener Festivals is a final outcome of our project Engaging the Public Through Sustainable Festivals. On more then 90 pages of information and 8 pages of colourful pictures you can find out how to make the festival more eco-friendly and sustainable. Because the booklet is aimed to national festival promoters, it was published only in Czech.
Environmental Management Systems
Вид: Books
By publishing this brochure we endeavour to reach all those who would like to improve the performance of their work and activities, and not only by improving the quality of their work and the economy of production, but also by minimising the environmental consequences, too. It's not a guide that will show you the one correct way forward. Instead, it is an introduction to the complex world of environmental management with its language, legislative framework, PDCA cycles and so on. We aim in particular to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises from different regions of Europe to implement some kind of environmental management system: to become greener, safer, and indeed to profit from that in terms of economy, publicity, employees' satisfaction or even just the feel good factor which comes from doing something good for the environment.