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Wildlife Rehabilitation and Breeding Centre - Green Balkans
The Wildlife Rescue Centre is a specialized unit of Green Balkans’ work program concerned with the rehabilitation, treatment, recovery, and release of rare wild animals or species threatened with extinction. The Centre was created in the period 1990-1994 by activists of Green Balkans. It has subsequently been officially declared a Rescue Centre in accordance to the Biodiversity Act as a result of the special Order РД 242/14.03.2003 of the Minister of Environment and Waters. The work of the Centre is regulated by Chapters III and IV of the Biodiversity Act (BA) and specialized Regulations for the activity of the rescue centres (Publ. SG, no 14, 20.02.2004).
The main fields of activity of the Center are:
• Healing and rehabilitation of rare animal species in distress and their return to the wild;
• Breeding of rare species of birds of prey with long-term injuries that can’t be released back in nature;
• Development of reintroduction programs and strengthening of population of the following species: Bearded vulture, imperial eagle, Eurasian Black vulture, Saker falcon and Lesser kestrel;
• Provision of shelter for confiscated rare animal species subject to illegal trade;
• Educational activities and environmental youth programs.
The Rescue Centre has a clinic with specialized equipment, rehabilitation rooms, a quarantine room, different-sized aviaries for housing birds able to fly with a total area 6 800 m2.
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